Thursday, March 5, 2015

PIX 2015 Guest Announcement #3 in a Series: Charles Forsman

Charles Forsman is best known for his uncompromising approach to small press comics.  A 2008 graduate of the Center for Cartoon Studies, he inaugurated his self-publishing career with his handmade series, Snake Oil, for which he twice received the Ignatz Award.  His hard-hitting, self-published series TEOTFW, followed, which was collected by Fantagraphics Books in 2013, who also published his graphic novel, Celebrated Summer.  He created the lo-fi, low budget, “micropress” imprint Oily Comics to publish TEOTFW, and then broadened its focus to pioneer an entire line of $1 mini-comics that were offered through a variety of channels, including online retail, subscription packages, and through stores via wholesaling.  Oily Comics has published dozens of titles by a broad range of comics creators, from relatively high profile artists such as Michael DeForge and Dan Zettwoch to a host of lesser known but equally deserving talents, who were then able to reach a wider audience through the Oily Comics platform.