Thursday, March 19, 2015
Wayne Wise to Exhibit at PIX 2015
Wayne Wise is a freelance writer/artist living in Pittsburgh. In the 90's he co-created the Xeric Award winning comic Grey Legacy, worked as an inker for Malibu Graphics, and began working at Phantom of the Attic Comics in Oakland (an Eisner Award nominated comics retailer). In 2002 his first novel, King of Summer, was published. In 2009 he self-published the first issue of Grey Legacy Tales, contributed to North and in 2013 to Oakland. In 2011 he joined the digital self-publishing revolution and released three novels. Scratch, This Creature Fair, Bedivere: The King's Right Hand and a new edition of King of Summer are all available as ebooks and paperback novels. He serves as the Resident Comics Scholar at the Pittsburgh Toonseum and teaches a 300-level academic course on “Comics and Popular Culture” as an adjunct professor at Chatham University. In 2014, in conjunction with the Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh, he wrote the comic Chutz-POW!: Real Superheroes of the Holocaust, working with artists Christopher Moeller, Dave Wachter, Marcel Walker, and Mark Zingarelli. You can read more about him at his blog at, or read some of his comics specific musings at .