Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Jessica Earhart to Exhibit at PIX 2017

Jessica Earhart (Khloris, Land|Scape, Blue Sky at Night, migration, ISM) - Jessica Earhart is a visual artist based in Pittsburgh, PA. 

Collage has been her primary medium for over a decade, where she finds satisfaction in its impulsivity and limitations, and as an expressive way to problem solve. 

Her work has consisted of both stand alone pieces and series, as well as zines and recently comics. 

Her current project is Khloris, a collage comic fantasy series, loosely based on mythological characters, who use their powers and so much sass to smash the patriarchy.

Another recent project is Land|Scape, a zine that explores the environmental crisis through a series of landscape collages juxtaposed with haikus. 

She not only identifies as an artist but also as a feminist and existentialist which sets the tone of her works. When she's doesn't have an x-acto knife in her hand, she can be found listening to 90s jams and baking up a storm.

Her work can be found at